Cargo Bikes in Copenhagen

genom Ecoprofile. En rörlig version av Sprid! /Jeppe

be green

bonkeli har fått en ny återförsäljare - Baby be Green
Och jag hoppas att även resten av dagen och åren går i grönt och rött! /Hanna

Filmen Home på SVT!

Missa inte otroligt vackra filmen Home på SVT1 Tisdag 21 sep 2010 kl 22.00 !

bonkeli - ekologiska barnkläder - nyheter!

bonkeli - ekologiska barnkläder - nyheter!

Hättan på!

Hösten är här igen, så hättan på!

Cykla med träd

Skansen i helgen blev riktigt trevligt! Vi fick en riktigt gammal vagn att stå i och sälja bonkeli-grejer.

Sen blev det dags att packa ihop, cykla hem och trädet hamnade på pakethållaren.

Liv utan bil


Det har dykt en riktigt intressant blogg i form av . Precis som David skriver i bloggen så klarar man sig med bara cykel i stan så länge man inte har barn, men både vi och vill visa att det går alldeles utmärkt att klara sig med endast cykel även med barn! (1,2,3 och t o m 4 barn)

"Jag är smålänning, skådis, farsa, stockholmare och kulturarbetare. Med en obotlig tro på cykeln som lösning på storstadens transportproblem, har jag förhoppningen att Stockholm kan bli världens bästa, vackraste och mest romantiska cykelstad.
// David Sennerstrand"


Om man vill vara varm och ugglig i höst föreslår jag ett ekologiskt uggle-set, kika in i vår webshop!

Ekorrar och bonkeli på skansen

Lådcykeln lastad för färd mot Skansen i morse, och nedan får vi ekorre-besök på Skansen för ett par timmar sedan! /Jeppe

Solig dag på Skansen!

Annons för familjedagen på Skansen
Imorgon är vi med på KF:s familjedag på Skansen och vi hoppas att solen vill kika fram på oss. Det verkar som om det är Bollnästorget vi kommer att hålla hus tillsammans med Gro. Jag hoppas att jag hinner förbi mina favorithus också, exempelvis Statarlängan och Väla skola. /Hanna

Bonkeli-intervju i tidningsbok

Jeppe Dyberg Larsen and his wife Hanna are really touching the future.
Not only do the young couple have small children, they also design C2C
and eco-friendly clothes for babies and young children, their label being
Bonkeli Design – Cradle to Cradle – compostable clothes. Their small firm
has expanded with a rate of a hundred percent annually for the last two
years. “Looking at ourselves and our personal beliefs and values there is no
end to how important it is to have toxic-free clothes for children. Before
I senaste numret av - LOFT - the Nordic Bookazine - en engelskspråkig publikation om konst, design och arkitektur från de nordiska länderna finns en intervju med oss om vårt arbete med Cradle to Cradle!

Foto: Tina Axelsson

Jeppe Dyberg Larsen and his wife Hanna are really touching the future. Not only do the young couple have small children, they also design C2C and eco-friendly clothes for babies and young children, their label being Bonkeli Design – Cradle to Cradle – compostable clothes. Their small firm has expanded with a rate of a hundred percent annually for the last two years. “Looking at ourselves and our personal beliefs and values there is no end to how important it is to have toxic-free clothes for children. Before we started making them, we had a hard time finding such clothes.” Now, the young couple sew up all the Bonkeli garments personally, although sometimes granny helps out: “There seems to be an endless demand. We have not done any marketing, yet we get inquiries all the time. As far as we know we are the only manufacturer of C2C clothing for children.” Hanna previously designed and sewed women’s clothes for her own label, Bowler. “Most people buy many clothes for their babies, and are possibly not aware about the range of toxic chemicals involved in dying the fabrics. Our items may cost around 500 SEK, but on the other hand they are not harmful to the environment or the baby.” Jeppe’s mother is Danish, and it was through her he got the book by Braungart & McDonough at a time when the climate-debate reached its peak: “I read it through in one go. I didn’t want to sleep, I experienced such a flow of energy from it. Now we can both make money and do the right thing! It was a revealing experience and I encouraged Hanna to read it right afterwards”. Hanna says: “Before, when we were cleaning out stores, I used to feel guilty about throwing away things. Which led to an inability to act rather than creativity. Now, I don’t feel that way. C2C is about so much more than just clothing. We can change the world for the better” When they read the book, their son was a small baby and the thought of overpopulation was not a very encouraging one. “Now we are 7 billion on this planet and within a few years we’ll be 9 billion. How are we going to feed the world? There we were with our newborn, asking ourselves whether we should feel guilty about contributing to the overpopulation and draining of the world’s resources. Taking part in C2C meant we could relate to the problem in a more constructive way and realize it is possible to live the alternative. Suddenly, the whole issue became a ‘Mission Possible’. Like Michael Braungart says: We’re not too many, we’re too stupid! It’s all about doing things in a smarter way.”
Text: Susanna Kumlien/LOFT - the Nordic Bookazine

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